Red Bull gets through planned Friday schedule

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As the preparations for the Spanish Grand Prix kicked-off today with two Friday practice sessions, the Red Bull Racing Team was able to get through their planned programme. According to both driver, Coulthard and Webber, the real test, however, comes tomorrow.

David Coulthard "Although you can't really tell too much from a Friday, I was perhaps hoping to show more solidly, relative to Renault and some of the other teams, today. Looking at fuel levels, of course we've all got some fuel on board, but you don't know if any of the teams have gone for a low fuel run, so tomorrow will be the real test. Lots of people target Barcelona for upgrades, so if everyone ends up gaining the same amount, the status quo remains - we'll know more after qualifying."

Mark Webber "We got through most of the programme as planned today, which was good, We made the car more stable this afternoon, compared to the morning, and the track was better too. We have a lot of good data for tonight and it was a faultless programme from the guys. The mechanics worked bloody hard last night and all of today, and the entire team's working really well."