Honda reveals low emission scooters in Monaco

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The Honda Racing F1 Team revealed their new liveried fleet of low emission scooters today in Monaco as part of their ongoing environmental initiative. Reflecting the design of the RA107 Formula One car, which features the image of planet Earth taken from space, the new scooters reinforce the team’s aim to raise awareness of the environmental issues facing the planet.

The fleet of Honda SH125i scooters that will be used by the team have been developed to offer some of the cleanest emissions in the motorised world. Honda’s design teams have worked to create a scooter with ultra-low exhaust emissions; this has been achieved by powering the scooter with a clean-burning, fuel-injected Honda 4-stroke engine.

Jenson Button was making use of the new scooter model in Monaco in advance of the Grand Prix. The team linked up with Monaco based environmental organisation MC2D to understand more about the Principality’s efforts to protect and improve the quality of the environment. The team showed Alexandre Bordero, the organisation’s Vice-President, the website which is at the heart of their environmental initiative.

Jenson Button, Honda Racing F1 Team driver “The whole team is committed to reducing its impact on the environment. Using ultra-low emission scooters is just one way that we are doing this. On a personal level, I spend a lot of time in Monaco so it has been interesting to hear about the specific environmental issues affecting the region and what steps are being taken to protect it.”

Alexander Bordero, Vice-President of MC2D “Lowering emissions in Monaco is a priority for MC2D and we have three major projects dedicated to achieving this goal: the development of an underground funicular to help curb the increase in traffic, a solar centre to develop renewable energy in the Principality, and the development of a cycle track to encourage people to leave their car behind. We applaud Honda's campaign and the steps it is taking to reduce the team’s own emissions when visiting Monaco.”

Alistair Watkins, Marketing Director, Honda Racing F1 Team “Our initiative works on both a team and a global level. We are dedicated to developing ways for the team to reduce its own impact on the environment - which is why the ultra-low emission scooters are now being introduced. We are also encouraging people visiting Monaco for the Grand Prix to visit to pledge their support for the environment.”

Source Honda