Rain at Le Mans, Peugeut No 7 in trouble

After lying in second place since the first Audi crashed out at 7:45 this morning, the Peugeot No 7 came into the pit at 12:39 with an apparent engine problem. At this time the car is still in for fixing and the second Peugeot will take second place from Gene/Villeneuve/Minassian.
At 12:54 rain has also been reported in Mulsanne. It will be interesting to see what happens with the leading Audi as it is decreasing its pace to give the team some time to decide what tires to fit in their upcoming pitstop.
The first to enter the pitlane is the Red Bull Ferrari at 12:57 to fit full wet weather tyres. One minute later the leading Audi is also in for wet weather tires and a new rear bodywork for a wet weather downforce setup.
UPDATE: The Peugeot No 7 has been retired from the race at 13:29. The Audi No 1 in the lead, ahead of the remaining Peugeot No 8 and car No 16 of Pescarolo Sport.