I still know how to drive - Kubica

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On Thursday, Robert Kubica was given green light by the doctors to race at the French Grand Prix. The BMW Sauber F1 Team driver talks about his heavy accident in Montreal and his feelings prior to the French GP.

Robert, what are you feelings at the moment?

"I have the green light to participate here in France, so that is very good, and I am happy I am back in the car for the first time since this heavy accident."

Were you frustrated?

"In some ways not being in the car in Indianapolis was frustrating and in some ways not. It was the first time since I have become a Formula One driver I have been watching a race on the television, but sometimes it is nice to watch it on TV. I didn't find it really difficult for myself, but I am happy I am back after only missing one race."

What did you have to do to prove you were fit?

"There were some reflex, concentration, memory tests, and of course body checks. These are some general checks which the FIA does before the championship starts in Melbourne. I repeated those with no problems and that is why I have the green light. In Indy the problem was more there was not a lot of time after the big accident. Here it is three weeks - and it looks like that is enough."

Did the high safety standards save your life?

"Yes, if it happened ten years ago we would probably not be speaking. It is also true I was lucky because there were no injuries."

Are you nervous?

"No not really. I find it quite easy. I just missed one Grand Prix so not that I have to see again new things and remember how to drive. I still know how to drive."

Source BMW Sauber