The thing is we have no idea what these guys are being paid. We don't know if they're getting paid scale above or below scale. We are making presumptions that Stroll had to bribe them to come. You're just making presumptions on top of presumptions.
If you're hiring someone in to a different job and you think they can do that job, then a raise isn't that expensive. If we take Fallows for example, he wasn't gonna be the TD at RBR, so it's fairly easy to get him to come for low TD $$$, as he is a new TD. it will be higher than he was being paid at RBR but lower that what Pierre Waché is getting paid. Now if you were gonna go out and get Pierre Waché, you have to pay him more than RBR is currently paying him unless you move him into another job. This is what they did with Cardile, they moved the Ferrari TD into a CTO job, which likely has a higher scale.
So i have no idea where you guys come off thinking that this is costing them $$$$$... Newey, is gonna get paid off the books. Of course 2 other of the above mentioned could be off the books too or unmentioned others.