I have an overwhelming respect for the people of the Ferrari team. The unknowns, the people who will never grace the cover of a racing magazine, the technicians, the construction people, and so on.
But make no mistake, I detest the politics that come out of that team, especially Monty. I appears he is already preparing an excuse, in which blame is laid on people outside of Ferrari. I guess they just don't have the equipment to stand up and take responsibility when things go wrong.
Now please bear with me, where I am going is only my personal opinion and speculation...
There was a time when Ferrari were treated differently than the rest, when Max Mosley gave them a "most favored" status. One aspect I consider relevant is that back then, if Ferrari had a new idea or were pushing the boundaries of the rules, they could take their idea to Max, and if the idea wasn't outside the regulations, he could guarantee that it would never be outlawed. That way, Ferrari could push ahead with something new, and never fear it would have to be retracted. But Max is gone, and it appears that Todt is treating Ferrari like every other team... no special treatment.
If that was true, then Ferrari might be hesitant on attempting anything radical, or on the boundaries of the rules. In other words, their diffuser won't be as big as the rest.
But really, it's pathetic when someone with the position of Monty starts to blame others, to lay the groundwork for excuses in case they don't get off to a good start.
That's no way to instill a "winning" attitude within the team, and it's putting politics over the actual racing.