zeph wrote:...It is my view, and I would think that I am allowed to air it.
That is the problem ... just cos it is your "view" doesn't always make it worth sharing. Anyone could easily pull all manner of half-baked pet-theories out of thin air, and parade them, but without any form of substantiation, then what exactly is the point of airing them, what do we gain from it, what real use is it to anyone else here.
You seem to confuse being "allowed" to air an opinion with meaning that all opinions are worth airing. Very often they are not. That is what I am saying.
If you have something concrete to back-up a theory, something to override all the available evidence to the contrary, then of course share it; but if it is just a dodgy brakepad, a loose wheelnut, a driveshaft, and a stripped gearcog in four years that you believe indicates a 'car-breaker', then I'm not sure what the exact value of that observation is.
Especially as you could theoretically consider driver-input having any impact on only one of those four stated failure-modes. And since no-one saw him abuse the kerbs in Hungary, even that one is looking highly speculative.
Do you see? I think this place is maybe, in theory at least, supposed to represent a higher barrier to entry for internet comment, that 'technical' bit in the url is probably supposed to mean something. No? Or am I totally wrong?