Pirelli 2013

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Re: Pirelli 2013


Just_a_fan wrote:Oh, and strad, if you're going to go straight to ad hom arguments then you're not worth talking to... :roll:
Well if you're going to makle blanket staements.
Look I'd agree that 20s on most anything is dumb..and that anyone who buy a Ford Mondeo is not concerned with performane driving,,,I would assume those two are a given and not the person we are talking about.
IF you care more about how your car drives more than how it rides then you will see an increase in driving performance in the shorter sidewall..and if I need the disclaimer,,,up to a point
To achieve anything, you must be prepared to dabble on the boundary of disaster.”
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Re: Pirelli 2013


Another blown tire and once again this is why we need tire test...

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Re: Pirelli 2013


The interesting pieces from this AMuS article ( http://www.auto-motor-und-sport.de/form ... 49838.html ):

"Neue Herausforderung für Pirelli

Für den Reifenhersteller bedeutet das eine große Herausforderung. "Wir wissen im Moment noch nicht exakt, was auf uns zukommt", sagt Pirelli-Sportchef Paul Hembery. "Aber die Zahlen, die wir hören, sind gewaltig. Es wird auf breitere Hinterreifen hinauslaufen. Wie breit, das müssen wir in Absprache mit den Teams entscheiden. Es hat ja auch einen Einfluss auf die Aerodynamik."

2014 wird es auch keine Klagen geben, dass die Reifen nur Minutenbrenner sind. "Wir gehen im ersten Jahr mit der neuen Formel einen konservativen Weg. Mit den beiden harten Mischungen bleiben wir auf der sicheren Seite. Richten Sie sich darauf ein, dass wir Reifen haben werden wie vor fünf Jahren." Einen ersten Vorgeschmack bekamen die Teams bereits im Freitagstraining von Silverstone. Der Experimentalreifen hatte eine Mischung, die ewig gehalten hätte. "Wir hatten praktisch null Gripverlust. Red Bull hätte diesen Reifen geliebt. Aber leider haben sie ihn nie ausprobiert", stichelte Hembery gegen seine größten Kritiker."

The bold parts in English:

There will be wider rear tyres.
Next year's tyres (the two harder compounds) will be very conservative.
The tyres will be like five years ago [regarding durability, i guess].
Dear FIA, if you read this, please pm me for a redesign of the Technical Regulations to avoid finger nose shapes for 2016! :-)

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Re: Pirelli 2013


after silverstone qually alonso gave an interview in which he said that pirelli are selecting the tyres to favour 2 teams , presumably he meant RBR and mercedes in view of the result

is that how posters her see it ?
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Re: Pirelli 2013


I'd say Alonso is more pissed than actually believing what he said. Is there a possibility that what he said a true, yes. Is it the most likely scenario, I. Don't think so.

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Re: Pirelli 2013


ecapox wrote:I'd say Alonso is more pissed than actually believing what he said. Is there a possibility that what he said a true, yes. Is it the most likely scenario, I. Don't think so.
Come now, do you really believe that MGP's three race-distances worth of mid-season testing was about 2014 tyres? :lol:
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Re: Pirelli 2013


xpensive wrote:Come now, do you realy believe that MGP's three race-distances worth of mid-season testing was about 2014 tyres? :lol:
That is a matter of fact. Whether you like the facts or not is another matter.
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Re: Pirelli 2013


lebesset wrote:after silverstone qually alonso gave an interview in which he said that pirelli are selecting the tyres to favour 2 teams , presumably he meant RBR and mercedes in view of the result

is that how posters her see it ?
Well, from a technical point there is no reason why Pirelli is choosing the harder compounds for the 2nd half of the season, as said by Lotus and Ferrari already, some races simply don't need those harder compounds.

RBR and especially Mercedes will argue otherwise, so just add it up yourself.

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Re: Pirelli 2013


What I would like to see is all tyre choices being declared right after the tyres are presented, and only changed for a particular weekend with unanimous support by teams or on genuine safety grounds, like tyre properties are now. If any particular car doesn't 'like' certain tyres, it is up to the team to decide their development focus, either they think 'we are bad on hardest compound, and there are plenty of races where we have to use it, so we will try to remedy that' or 'we are bad on the softest compound, but there is only one more race where it will be used, so we will focus on our strengths instead.'

While there will always be whining and using tyres as an excuse for poor performance, that way the proverbial goalposts aren't moved during the season, so that is fair in my opinion.

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Re: Pirelli 2013


I would love a rule that the teams can select there own tire compound. Pirelli should just make 4 compounds and the teams should be able to choose their own tire per race. That would be great for F1. Now teams blame Pirelli for the bringing the wrong tires at every race. still the same allocation for the weekend but teams should make their tyre choice 2 week before the GP, for logistical reasons. Lotus and Ferrari would be much more competitive I think today if to could run the soft tyre. Instead of the medium while RBR and Mercedes seem really strong on the medium and hards.
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Re: Pirelli 2013


WhiteBlue wrote:
iotar__ wrote:
WhiteBlue wrote:It depends what you ask the tyre supplier to do. If they continue to ask for very small operating windows and very specific properties that will support a certain entertainment concept it may be asking too much. F1 needs to accept a robust tyre with a wide operating window and maybe one stop only. That is not a fundamental problem when you expect a lot of excitement from the shake up. But typically F1 manages to shoot itself in the foot and why should that change next year.

Pirellli will not offer such tyres because it is not in their interest. A narrow operating window creates tyre talk and they Need that for their PR.
I would say you are wrong on all accounts if you weren't contradicting yourself. ...
I'm not contradicting myself. You are not thinking it through or you are unaware what has happened. When Pirelli came into F1 in 2010 for 2011 we had no passing and processional races. Pirelli were asked to supply fragile tyres that would lead to multiple pit stops and force teams to qualify on a fragile higher performance tyre. They liked the idea because the necessary suspension adaptation development would lead to a lot of tyre talk. Michelin kind of missed that opportunity or they did not think about it. By accepting the fragile tyre concept Pirelli got themselves into the situation that they need very accurate data in order to successfully design the small operating windows. So much for the history.

Now we have a different situation. Michelin have found some interest because they realized that Pirelli's concept of fragile tyres worked for them. Pirelli generated huge attention over three years, which is the objective in the first place. The difference between 2010 and 2014 is the availability of DRS and the new engine formula. In 2010 nobody knew how DRS would work and so a fragile tyre with different race/quali strategy options and pit stops to shake up positions made sense. Today we do not need the fragile tyres for entertainment because DRS is doing a good job to prevent processional races anywhere except Monaco. Next year there is also no need to present teams with a new development challenge because they have plenty of that on their plate with the new engines. So from a team or from a fan perspective the fragile tyre are not needed for next year. But that is not true for Pirelli. They continue to depend on tyres to be talked much about which they will not get if they design a conservative tyre with huge operating window. So it is primarily the commercial and PR interest of the tyre supplier that forces him into a concept that otherwise has over lived it's usefulness.
Ugh, thanks at least for not quoting anything from my post, it goes well with a reply that doesn't relate to it and still makes little sense.

1. You WERE contradicting yourself. Firstly claiming that Pirelli are doing what they are asked and then claiming, and I quote:
Pirellli will not offer such tyres because it is not in their interest. A narrow operating window creates tyre talk and they Need that for their PR.

This is patently untrue because firstly Pirelli (or any company for that matter) is not seeking this kind of publicity and they are not the ones creating this kind of publicity. Since it turned into repeating the same thing exercise I'll save myself typing and quote myself like an idiot:
PR noise about the tyres is created solely by the teams (usually Red Bull) to excuse results, hide incompetence and force changes that suit their design. It's not about care for the sport but competitive advantage. To suggest that such publicity like in the beginning of the last two seasons or the one related to Mercedes test is sought after by any company in the world is insane. To use an analogy, it's like saying that if Red Bull is in F1 for marketing reasons than Silverstone 2010 that resulted in slogans like "Red Bull gives you someone else's wings" was good for their brand image. Or Turkey crash, or Malaysia 2013 win stealing. Following your logic they would continue to repeat it, in the end it did create a lot of PR attention. Only the wrong kind of attention.

Now tell me if Red Bull's strategy of drawing attention WORKED for them like you insist it worked for Pirelli and if they had continued in that direction? F1 may have worked for Pirelli but instead not because of PR attention you're talking about. Negative one created by dishonest teams. Of course they are seeking publicity but a positive one, tyres as an element of more interesting formula 1. But since they've learned the hard way that providing tyres accurate to demand will cause problems for some teams and create negative attention they'll be willing to compromise. I'm stressing again: it's not tyre manufacturer that's creating tyre policy. It's teams, Ecclestone and FIA. To be fair and as mentioned before, company's involvement may depend on the role of tyres or on the type of deal (two competing manufacturer's or one) but that's about it.

This whole long-winded conjecture about their role in the process and then Michelin part. "Michelin have found some interest because they realized that Pirelli's concept of fragile tyres worked for them." It's pure speculation and another contradiction: if Michelin would be willing to provide "fragile" tyres as you call them, based on Pirelli's PR "attention success" than Pirelli's involvement ends here. Another competitor can step and fill their role if they don't co-operate. Leaving financial aspect aside.

About DRS: How is DRS important in any of this? It's not, except for diluting and muddying the subject towards "entertainment" part. And which kind of DRS you're talking about two zones and limited in qualifying in 2013 or unlimited in qualifying and usually one zone in 2011/12. Quite different, wouldn't you agree? I've heard opposite arguments: DRS is not needed because tyres create enough pace difference and overtaking. :!: How about that for mixing these separate issues?

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Re: Pirelli 2013


It seems a lot funny. When RedBull and Merc' eat their tyres and blame Pirelli, people say it's same for every body. Now if pirelli are choosing Mediums and hard, It's same for every body. Ferrari and Lotus should stop complaining and put flames in their tyres to heat them up.

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Re: Pirelli 2013


muhammadtalha-13 wrote:It seems a lot funny. When RedBull and Merc' eat their tyres and blame Pirelli, people say it's same for every body. Now if pirelli are choosing Mediums and hard, It's same for every body. Ferrari and Lotus should stop complaining and put flames in their tyres to heat them up.

Its not same for everybody when Pirelli chooses to go with harder compounds cause Red Bull and others complained, that changes the board into their favor, so no not same for everyone.

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Re: Pirelli 2013


There is no point to speculate about it. It is already decided that in 2014 operating windows for tyres will be much wider. Its in the interest of all teams that have their hands full with new engines and new aero. They cannot afford to screw around with tyre related development all season on top of that. Pirelli will have to go easy for one year and potentially go back to narrower operating windows in 2015.
German language source AMuS linked here
Paul Hembery in AMuS wrote:Wir gehen im ersten Jahr mit der neuen Formel einen konservativen Weg. Mit den beiden harten Mischungen bleiben wir auf der sicheren Seite. Richten Sie sich darauf ein, dass wir Reifen haben werden wie vor fünf Jahren.
Translation: We will take a conservative approach in the first year of the new formula. With the two hard compounds we will remain on the safe side. Be prepared to have tyres like we used to have five years ago.
@Iotar, if you do not understand my reckoning don't blame me. Try harder.
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Re: Pirelli 2013


WhiteBlue wrote:There is no point to speculate about it. It is already decided that in 2014 operating windows for tyres will be much wider.
I wouldn't take that to the bank WB, Pirelli has most obviously found the sweet-spot tire-wise for Mercedes, which of course is the "Ferrari" of our times to the powers that may be, why change that?
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