ISLAMATRON wrote:In what world is a winglet or a chimney more technologically more advanced than an entire KERS system... its funny that the same people who bemoan the loss of the aerodynamic appendages also bemoan the introduction of KERS.
KERS is the single biggest technology infusion into F1 since turbocharging, it is certainly more interesting than winglets, chimneys or viking horns.
I would rather have the KERs systems hidden from view(with full technical disclosure from each team... please max make that happen) than have all that money spent on where to put the next winglet.
Thank God, F1 is finally back on track with some true technological innovation. 2009 might be a runaway season like 1988 or 2004 but at least it will give us tech heads something to talk about other than winglets and airflow.
It isnt about a winglet or chimney being weighed on an imaginary scale against a KERS system, but it is getting to the point that the teams have given up on honestly striving to be the best and are content to settle for semi-spec constructor series. This is the start (maybe farther than that) of a decline that is leading to a dumbed down full spec with 3 or 4 areas on each car that are unique "performance differentiator".
Now unless the spec'd parts are in reality "perfect" (all teams build identical from scratch) then they are actually compromising the Formula in an elementary way. Instead of actually striving to become the first to find the "perfect" solution to the rules, they are all going to stop at like 95%, and call it a day.
That is technologically terminal. Next will be the standard drivetrain (engine, tranny, KERS), standard suspension, standard brake ducting, standard Diffusor, Standard Monocoque...etc.
At this rate of decline, the only difference between the cars on track in 2012 will be the endplates of the front wings, and the shape of the airbox opening.
It may not be over yet, but the technology in Formula 1 will NEVER reach the level of innovation that was shown from conception to 1997. The Formula is a hollow, political shell of what it once was, and THAT is real, honest, and technical racing.
After watching Speedracer 2008, I often wonder if F1 is the same behind the scenes with the fix. The worried look on Berger's face after Vettel won the GP looked as if he just got off the phone with someone that let him know that he had interfered with something much bigger than him. Who knows?
Anyways. I will catch Australia 09 and withold any final judgement until after watching the cars on track. I am NOT saying that 2009 is the year F1 died, I am saying that it cannot maintain as the Pinnacle Formula with the current direction towards cost-cutting-compromise. That is an oxymoron.