Button joins the action

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After a cold start to the morning in Barcelona, on Thursday, the weather warmed up considerably with the sun coming out and ambient temperatures reaching 22˚C and track temperatures reaching 27˚C.

Jenson joined the team today (Thursday) for the second day of the test running in chassis RA106-02. He spent his early runs finding a good balance on the car before beginning an aero evaluation, completing 70 laps in the morning session.

Rubens also spent the morning working through an aero evaluation in chassis RA106-03, followed by a tyre programme. He completed 71 laps in the morning.

Jenson continued his aero evaluation after lunch, alongside some chassis set-up work. He completed a further 80 laps this afternoon, bringing his final tally for the day to 150 laps, covering nearly 700 kms.

Rubens began the afternoon with a couple of set-up runs to prepare the car for a tyre evaluation looking at the options for the forthcoming races. He completed 62 laps in the afternoon session to bring his total for the day to 133 laps.

Both drivers will continue in their respective cars tomorrow for the final day of the test.