Accident for Webber

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Today was the fourth and final day of testing for the Williams F1 Team at the Circuit de Catalunya. Test driver Alexander Wurz joined Mark Webber. The Aussi driver had a accident in the morning but fortunately it wasn't that bad.

Mike Condliffe, Test Team Manager, WilliamsF1 “Today Alex joined Mark on our final day in Barcelona. In the early part of the morning, Mark had an accident - fortunately he was fine but it left the car badly damaged. As a result, Mark switched to the other car in order to carry out some confirmatory tyre compound tests for the race here in a few weeks’ time. The crew did an excellent job turning Mark’s car around and were able to get it out for the last part of the session. Although we didn't get as much running in as we would have liked today, the re-prioritised programme gave us a clear direction in which to develop.”

Simon Corbyn, Head of F1 Race Engineering, Cosworth “Cosworth has gathered a lot of data in Barcelona as we completed a significant amount of running on both ‘race specification’ Series 2 and ‘development’ Series 3 CA2006 engines. Analysis of the results will contribute to the engine plan for the San Marino Grand Prix and onwards. Cosworth is confident in the performance of the CA2006 engine. The challenges in Barcelona this week only make us more determined to ensure we have a successful season.”