Fisico and Kovalainen conclude Barcelona test

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The Renault F1 Team finished today its three day testing programme in Barcelona. For the final day, Giancarlo Fisichella and Heikki Kovalainen were at the wheel of two R26 chassis and covered 218 laps.

For his second day in chassis R26-04, Giancarlo Fisichella remained focused on set up changes and tyre development with our partner Michelin. He completed his programme without any problems and set the second-fastest laptime in 1’14’305.

Back on track today, Heikki Kovalainen completed a substantial tyre programme and completed numerous long runs this afternoon to analyse the new Michelin products in these conditions. The team seemed to be very pleased by the results of this testing session. The Finn was once again very competitive and finally set the fastest laptime in 1’13.928.

Christian Silk, Chief Test Engineer “It was a successful conclusion to our test. We worked well with good progress on the tyres in particular. The team did a great job throughout this session and worked all the hours needed to get the job done. We will continue developing the chassis and the aerodynamics of the car for the next races and we will be on track at Silverstone in two weeks to continue our development programme. We all know that these test sessions are a vital part of winning races afterwards!”

The test team will be on track at Silverstone from the 25th until the 27th April.