Monaco comes to life

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The Monaco Grand Prix in unique. This morning at eight AM, the paddock was slowly waking under the first rays of morning sunshine. Indeed, the weather forecasts have promised plenty more of the same. Behind the fences of the paddock, the final preparations were being made: flowers in motorhome vases, croissants in serving baskets. There was a smell of hot coffee and the bustle of breakfasting mechanics, wafting over the paddock.

A bit further on, in the pit-lane, the cars were being checked over for a final time. The mechanics were ensuring the legality of the machines as they applied the set-ups requested by their engineers, while the drivers attended their daily briefing to discuss their programme for the day. As for the marshals, they began to fan out along the barriers, checking their flags and radio batteries. The stands began to fill, slowly.

In the harbour, the XXL size yachts were cleaned and polished. Their rich owners would arrive soon. The first autograph hunters were stationed in front of the paddock entrances. Their cameras were at the ready, and magazines open and waiting.

Then, at 10:00, the first noise began to bounce around the city. The GP2 series practice session had just kicked off a fantastic weekend of motorsport. One hour later, the F1 cars would take charge in the Principality. The Grand Prix weekend proper has begun…

Source Renaultf1