A perfect day for Alonso

As Fernando closed his visor on the grid, ahead of the race of his life, his race engineer Rod Nelson gave his usual words of encouragement for the final time: “Muy Buena Suerte”. 71 tense laps later and it was Fernando’s turn to talk to the team. “Thank you, merci à tous, you have done a fantastic job,” crackled the team radio as the R26 cruised back to the pits.
“This is my last race with you guys, this was the final race, and we have won both championships again. Thank you for all these years, it has been a pleasure for me to work with you and to have this success, and I wish you the best for the future.” It came from the heart, and left its mark.
And Fernando was hardly to know his day was about to get even better. A 2-0 home win for Real Madrid over arch rivals Barcelona meant the new world champion, a fervent Real supporter, had truly enjoyed a perfect day!