Sand: the keyword for Toro Rosso

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Bahrain is all about sand: it gets on the track, in your hair and in your sandwich. But you can do lots of great things with sand. Look at what the Scuderia Toro Rosso mechanics did in the F1 car park this morning while waiting for the garage to open:

Tonio Liuzzi "A good day overall, with no big problems on the car. We worked mainly on evaluating the different tyres to see which to choose for qualifying and the race. I am quite happy that the car seemed to respond very well to all the set-up modifications we made. Also, our pace was quite good today, which means we have made a little bit of progress since last weekend. But the big step won't come until later so the important thing this weekend is to get as many kilometers as possible under our belt."
(Best lap 1.35.268, pos. 17th)

Scott Speed "The car definitely feels more competitive than it did when I drove it here in the pre-season test, but that's only to be expected. More importantly, the car feels more competitive than it did last week in Malaysia. That's great news, as we did not really expect that. Now we will have to see if that stays true for the rest of the weekend. We have made a lot of changes to the car set-up since last weekend. We are chipping away and learning more and more about the car, so this has been a useful day."
(Best lap 1.35.687, pos. 20th