Well maybe - just maybe - you also should ask yourself why you think they would never get to test had they inform the other teams? Perhaps because then they would have to face illegality claims that wouldn't be so easy to dismissed?WhiteBlue wrote:You will probably find that Pirelli wanted to keep the test private until it was done. At least that makes some sense. You have to ask yourself why they kept it private in the first place? Obviously because otherwise they would have never got it done. So that is your most likely answer, Richard.
Let's try this... "You" can meet in private with a lover, or a possible lover to be, without broadcasting it to your friends or informing your wife. You'd want meet with her in private as I guess "that makes some sense". And it's not like it was a secret or anything, mind you, you simply kept things 'private' in order to be able do the deeds without having to face the obvious consequences...
Sophistry for cheating if you ask me.